BACLT is planning to develop a number of projects in the Birchwood Area to benefit all ages in our local community
Our current project is
Diamond Park
Diamond Park is owned by the Trust. With funding from Birchwood Big Local, the park is now fully refurbished with new children’s play equipment and restored gardens. Birchwood Big Local continues to fund the park’s upkeep, with volunteers from Birchwood Big Local also managing the park, opening and closing it each day. The volunteers are also engaged in regular work days keeping the park clean and tidy.
One previous project
Jasmin Green
BACLT originally formulated a scheme in partnership with City of Lincoln Council to develop affordable dwellings on Jasmin Green mainly for the elderly, to assist in funding the upkeep of planned play areas elsewhere on the green. This project progressed to an advanced stage, unfortunately, following increased costs due to the Covid epidemic and the war in Ukraine the project became financially unviable..